Compart - Document- and Output-Management

document processing

Use Cases

How Effective Document Approval Contributes to the Quality of Customer Communications

DocBridge® eApproval by Compart for successful document approval. Prevent confusion through precise reviews and increase efficiency and trust in your customer communications.

Use Cases

Document Conversion with Archiving

A Scalable, high-performance solution is the tried-and-true “Swiss Army Knife” for converting or transforming documents and files of any format, which is becoming increasingly popular for display and output on electronic media.


Read and Extract Metadata from Documents

What does document processing look like in the future? Without a doubt, the most elegant method is to create an interface for the pure data, independent of page format, layout and channel. That is really the only way to efficiently prepare documents of all types and formats for digital and physical communication routes.

Development and Technology

Localizing Content: More Than Just Translation

For companies that want to offer more than the bare minimum in customer communication, there’s also no way around localization. For more and more people in today’s multicultural society, the primary language of the country where they reside is not necessarily their native tongue.  Why not use this to your competitive advantage and modify content accordingly?
