The 4th Comparting took place in the Congress Center in Böblingen October 22nd and 23rd. Although it started as a user group, Comparting has become a technology forum dealing with document and output management. The event grew this year to more than 150 participants, and filled the Center’s Württemberg hall to capacity.
Because the conference attracts a majority of print centers involved in high-volume document processing, as well as most suppliers in the field, the event has evolved into an industry event.
The goal of Comparting is to address topical subjects from a manufacturer-neutral position while also providing a networking opportunity for Compart’s customers. Based on the attendees’ feedback, they were consistently very pleased with the subject matter and quality of the presentations on both days. The forum was content rich and included a number of industry experts, along with information and updates on Compart and the DocBridge Suite.
The first day had 5 sessions including:
Peter Zabika of Xerox GmbH discussed the "Digital color printing – use of the technology in practice", which dealt with the role of color printing and how to approach TransPromo applications.
The next session, "Seeing beyond the end of one’s Nose", covered the influence of typeface and other issues such as color on the expressiveness and advertising effectiveness. Ralf Turtschi, a principal at the Swiss company Agentur R. Turtschi AG, visibly impressed the participants with his insider knowledge. Together with Robert Reichmuth of Docucom, they provided an example of how Turtschi’s ideas were successfully applied at a Swiss bank.
Bernd Wild of intarsys consulting GmbH addressed "Digital Signatures in High-Volume Output". Wild reviewed the requirements for working with digital signatures along with the implementation ideas and the savings could be attained from use.
Thomas Novak of Lufthansa AirPlus Servicekarten GmbH provided the customer perspective on how AirPlus had married complex billing processes with different output channels for a newspaper in an elegant output solution.
Then Thomas Kübler showed the increased functionality and workflow options in DocBridge Pilot along with the powerful Enterprise Service Bus support.
As it does every year, the day ended with "New from Compart". Andreas Pehnack discussed the last year’s development results, along with 2009’s planned product enhancements.
Harald Grumser, the Managing Director of Compart Systemhaus GmbH, started the second day of Comparting with an overview of "Predetermined Breaking Points of an Output Management Solution". He walked though a complete processing chain, how each individual step in the production process should be designed and optimized to minimize errors, losses and interruptions.
Grumser was followed by 4 presentations:
Manuel Montero Pineda a specialist in WordML, XHTML and XSL-FO at Data2Type, gave a presentation with the title "Is XSL-FO an Alternative in High-Volume Formatting?" He explained how, with the help of modern standardized techniques from the W3C, XSLT and XSL-FO variable transaction print could be created and used for processing volume output to printable formats.
News from the AFP Consortium was presented by Compart’s delegate Joerg Palmer. He addressed the history of the industry standards group and how the organization oversaw the new functionality like Object Containers and Color Management added to the AFP specification.
Finally, a Compart customer, Hartmut Schmidgall of Wüstenrot & Württembergischen Informatik GmbH, explained "Why use a PPS system in a Print and Dispatch Center?" Schmidgall shared his enterprise’s experience in planning and implementing entire printing and finishing process in a relatively complex company environment. Coincidently he happened to circled back to many of the same conclusions with which Harald Grumser had started the day.
The official presentations ended with an overview of the new Compart product system architecture, given by Dirk Haun.
A well deserved social event on the first evening was held in the Natural History Museum at the Löwentor in Stuttgart.
Next year the 5th Comparting event will take place on the 15th and 16th of October at the Congress Center in Böblingen. Due to the growing interest in Comparting, the event will be held in the larger Europa hall with simultaneous translation to be offered via headphones for Compart’s growing international customer base.