End-to-end Document Processes from Input to Output
Wish vs. Reality
Output management is responsible for creating documents from data streams, and preparing and formatting the documents for distribution through various channels. Those channels include not only regular mail but also electronic ones such as fax, e-mail, electronic letter, mobile systems (Smartphones or tablet PCs), SMS messages, and web portal publications. Output management is also tasked with creating documents and text for individual departmental correspondence, printing, postage optimization, and inserts management.
Input management begins with document receipt and is also tied to various input channels - postal as well as electronic. It also provides software-supported content recognition, classification, and the transfer of data to processing. Any number of systems may be involved in processing, e.g., ECM, ERP, BPM, CRM or proprietary data processing systems.
Input and output: When the goal is to build efficient and universal processes, input management, data and document processing systems, and output management must be carefully dovetailed. What do these systems and organizational units need to accomplish? BIT surveyed a number of suppliers and experts from the document processing community.
BIT Magazine interviewed a number of providers and experts from the areas involved in the document process for this purpose: