Compart - Document- and Output-Management


DocBridge® Communication Suite – Template Design

Workshop: CP-W2050/en

In this course, you will learn how to create a basic template for omnichannel output in the DocBridge® Communication Suite. You will implement CI/CD specifications, style guides and specific fonts and create a template in the Document File Format (DFF) using document file blocks. Common standards such as HTML5, CSS3, SVG, XSLT and XPATH, which are required for the print output and multi-channel formatting of documents, are covered.

Particular attention is paid to the use of PrintCSS to professionally design documents for different output channels and to optimally control print output. You will also learn how to configure these functions in the DocBridge® Communication Suite for different output formats and channels.

Additional training modules are offered:

• CP-W2000 DocBridge® Communication Suite – XML, HTML und CSS
• CP-W2010 DocBridge® Communication Suite – XSLT und XPATH
• CP-W2020 DocBridge® Communication Suite – PrintCSS und DFF

Content - Pagination, page counters, page breaks, page margins, date fields
- Tables, multi-column layouts, different currency formats
- Header/footer, logo position (print)
- Table of contents, attachments, sub-documents (e.g. GTCs), cross-references in the document
- Special cases in addresses, addresses depending on country
- Multi-channel formatting, performance-critical points
- Front and back (print), duplex and tray control
Based on (software) DocBridge® Communication Suite
Target Audience Developer, media designer
Objectives After the course you will be able to design documents with HTML and DFF
Requirements - CP-W2000 DocBridge® Communication Suite – XML, HTML und CSS
- CP-W2010 DocBridge® Communication Suite – XSLT und XPATH
- CP-W2020 DocBridge® Communication Suite – PrintCSS und DFF
Attendees 6 persons (max.)
Duration 1st day: 09:00 - 16:00
2nd day: 09:00 - 16:00
3rd day: 09:00 - 16:00
Seminar Dates Upon request
Costs Webinar $ 2250,00 excl. V.A.T.
Costs On-Site Upon request
Notes The workshop includes practical exercises

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