Compart - Document- and Output-Management


Data Formats Intensive: AFPDS

Workshop: CP-W6000/en

The AFP architecture is an industry standard for high volume document generation including printing and archiving. This workshop covers the AFP data format. Apart from the structured fields of the important AFP objects (pagedef, formdef, overlay, pagesegment, characterset, code page and coded font) the general problems associated with generating AFP data formats will also be discussed.

Content - Structure of AFP resources (Structured Fields)
- Objects in AFPDS (Structured Fields)
- Linedata, mixed mode, AFPDS data
- Analysis of the AFP data format
- Analyzing with AFPDS dump
Based on (software) DocBridge® Mill Plus for Windows
Target Audience Application developers, project managers, output management users
Objectives Attain an understanding of the AFP architecture, the AFP data format and the ability to analyze AFP data format problems
Requirements (obligatory) Basic knowledge of the AFP architecture
Requirements (recommended) Basic knowledge of document and output management as well as document data formats
Attendees 6 persons (max.)
Duration 1st day: 10:00 - 17:00
2nd day: 09:00 - 16:00
Seminar Dates
  • September 16, 2025 - September 17, 2025 (Webinar)
Costs Webinar € 1.500,00 excl. V.A.T. per participant (incl. training materials) participation in the online training via desktop video conference software
Costs On-Site Upon request
Notes The workshop includes practical exercises

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