Compart - Document- and Output-Management


DocBridge Mill Tool - CPDocinf

Workshop: CP-W1106/us

DocBridge Mill Plus contains the module cpdocinf. This is a command line module to extract metainformation from input data (comments, indexes, etc.) and store them in files.

Content - Metadata extraction
- Parameters
- Filter architecture
Based on (software) DocBridge Mill Plus for Windows
Target Audience Application developers, product managers
Objectives Achive an understanding of the use module cpdocinf
Requirements (obligatory) Participation in seminar CP-S1000 "DocBridge Architecture: Products and Components"
Attendees 6 persons (max.)
Duration 1 day: 09:00 - 16:00
Seminar Dates Upon request
Costs Webinar $ 750,00 excl. V.A.T.
Costs On-site Upon request
Notes This workshop includes practical exercises with the DocBridge Mill Plus component cpmcopy

Seminar Inquiry

Salutation *
Please calculate 7 plus 8.

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