Compart - Document- and Output-Management


DocBridge® Communication Suite – XPATH and XSLT

Workshop: CP-W2010/en

This workshop focuses on the creation of XSLT stylesheets for the DocBridge® Communication Suite based on Simplified XSLT. With XSLT stylesheets you automate the data output and are able to completely reprocess XML data and transform it into other output formats. In order to be able to specifically define the information units that are to be transformed, knowledge of XPath, the language required to navigate in an XML document, is required and will also be covered in the workshop.

Further training modules are offered:

  • CP-W2000 DocBridge® Communication Suite – XML, HTML and CSS
  • CP-W2020 DocBridge® Communication Suite – PrintCSS and DFF
Content Introduction to the transformation language XSLT and the (addressing) language XPath

- Push method: templates, node values, loops and conditions, variables and parameters
- Pull method: output of functions and values, loops and sorting, messages and conditions, links and data extraction

- Node types
- (Navigation) axes
- Abbreviated/extensive notation
- Absolute/relative localisation paths
- Addressing different node types
- XPath functions
Based on (software) DocBridge® Communication Suite, Oxygen XML Editor
Target Audience Developers, media designers and anyone interested in the technical basics of the ominchannel output of the DocBridge® Impress Engine
Objectives After the training, you are able to access XML data with XPath and transform it with XSLT.
Requirements (recommended) CP-W2000 DocBridge® Communication Suite – XML, HTML und CSS (or comparable expertise)
Attendees 6 persons (max.)
Duration 1st day: 09:00 - 16:00
2nd day: 09:00 - 16:00
Seminar Dates
  • March 13, 2025 - March 14, 2025 (Webinar)
  • October 09, 2025 - October 10, 2025 (Webinar)
Costs Webinar € 1.500,00 excl. V.A.T. per participant (incl. training materials) participation in the online training via desktop video conference software
Costs On-Site Upon request
Notes The workshop includes practical exercises

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