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  • Comparting 2020 Interview with H …
Comparting Interview

Comparting 2020 Reflects the Broad Spectrum of Modern Omnichannel Customer Communication

Interview with Harald Grumser, founder and CEO Compart


Unusual times call for unusual measures: in view of the Covid 19 situation, Harald Grumser and his team have decided to conduct Comparting 2020 completely virtually.

1.  Mr. Grumser, the Comparting Congress is currently undergoing its "Digital Transformation". What can the participants of the digital congress expect?

Harald Grumser - CEO Compart

Harald Grumser:  Yes, we will be organizing Comparting this year as a purely online event. But this will not change the character of the event. As usual, participants can expect what we believe will be an exciting mix of user reports, technology presentations, keynotes and live demos, reflecting the broad spectrum of modern omnichannel customer communication. Above all, we will outline where Compart has developed in recent years and where the next few years will take us. As in previous years, presentations in German, English and French are planned.

2.  This means that the content will not change much at first glance. Will the lecturers be live on stage in Boeblingen?

Harald Grumser: We will be broadcasting from a studio in several, partly parallel sessions, but we will also create space for direct communication. In the spring of this year we had already organized our Comparting in the USA in a similar way and had absolutely positive experiences with it. Especially because we can reach many more participants with an online event than with a face-to-face event.

3.  A webinar with teams or other collaboration software differs from a conference lasting several days simply by the duration of the event. How do you intend to implement the project technically?

Harald Grumser: We will stretch the event over a longer period of time and set it up in such a way that the participants from the two time zones Europe and America and the different languages will be staggered online. In order not to overstrain the attention span of the participants, we will also not broadcast more than four hours per day for one target group.

4.  Surely the Comparting App with the voting tools etc. will play a special role this year in this context?

Harald Grumser: After all, we have all had a crash course in dealing with new technologies and applications in recent months. The Comparting App has been optimized for classroom training and could well be replaced. But it will definitely be interactive.

5.  Another tricky point where technical and organizational issues are closely related is what is normally the most important reason for many conference and event visitors to attend: informal networking.

Harald Grumser: Even if personal meetings unfortunately have to be cancelled this time - sufficient virtual networking is still provided for. There will be plenty of opportunities for online chats with speakers and other participants as well as with those responsible at Compart. Our product experts will be available to answer visitors' questions and, if necessary, will also be available for further information after the event.

6.  Have you planned additional breakout rooms in which participants can meet each other and talk off-the-record - without anyone else listening in?

Harald Grumser: At our event in America we had a nicely decorated lounge where people could easily meet. This was very well received and was also the place to meet and talk to people after the event. Regardless of this, there will also be enough opportunities for one-to-one conversations.

7.  Could you perhaps give us a few details from the agenda?

Harald Grumser: Of course, we will be covering the increasingly exciting topics such as cloud, input management, digital inbox processing, document creation and workflows, but also output management in its classic applications. In recent years, we have shown demos again and again that took a look into the future. This year there will be demos that were the future a few years ago, but are now being used by customers in real life. We also want to show many more interfaces that will make it easier to understand how the restructuring of the last few years at Compart to an even more component- and API-based architecture now looks. So there will be something for everyone, whether more from the solution side or more from the technology side.

Mr. Grumser, thank you very much for the interview.

Source: BIT Magazin, 4-2020

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