The World According to Compart
Harald Grumser, COMPART
One of the key tasks of any software manufacturer is the assessment of market trends in order to make the right decisions for further product strategy and development, which extends over many years. The presentation begins by describing briefly some market trends from the past and their implementation in the existing products. The presentation deals with current issues like color printing, offset replacement, digitalization in customer communication, interactive letter writing and commercial processing from the Compart point of view. Finally, the presentation explains the consequences arising therefrom for product development at Compart and how these issues are to be implemented in future products.

Harald Grumser
Harald Grumser is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for Compart AG. Harald co-founded Compart and has served as Chief Executive Officer since the company’s launch in 1992. Early in his career, Harald worked both in software development and publishing. Renowned as an expert on the new topic of PCs and microprocessors, he was widely published throughout Europe in technology publications. He then moved to IBM, where he managed a Europewide PC project for several years before becoming PC Application Manager for SOFTPRO GmbH, a Böblingen-based software company.