Production Planning and Control in a Print and Mail Room
Tino Rosner, edataprocessing GmbH
Production data acquisition presents a cost effective method of collecting information about machine processing such as run, idle, re-tooling and down time. In addition to registering other production-relevant data. Based on the information collected it is possible to implement a qualified production planning and control system, to optimize processing time and be able to precisely identify the source of any disturbance. This presentation will put forward the basics and the design of production planning and control in a print and dispatch center.
Tino Rosner
Tino Rosner is consultant at edataprocessing GmbH. edataprocessing GmbH is the largest solutions provider concerned with the operation of print and dispatch centers. The company has customers in Germany, in Austria and Switzerland as well as in the Netherlands and England. As a qualified information scientist Tino Rosner has been involved in many areas of computer processing centers since the mid 1990s. His focus has been on optimizing print data preparation. In the past 10 years he has successfully implemented numerous projects in the business of print and dispatch centers.