Compart - Document- and Output-Management

  • DocBridge Pilot 3.0 is “Product …


DocBridge Pilot 3.0 is “Product of the Year 2013”

Product of the Year 2013

The readership of “Postmaster Magazin” are people engaged in complex document processing, document management and information logistics.

The overwhelming majority of these readers selected DocBridge Pilot 3.0 as the ”2013 Product of the Year” in the software and commodities category. For companies faced with complex document processing, DocBridge Pilot 3.0 is easily integrated into any existing IT infrastructures without upstream application changes thereby protecting existing investments. The DocBridge Pilot 3.0 multi-channel solution separates input data streams from the output medium. It acts as a Digital Document Hub where all systems and “silos” can send output which then is optimized and then delivered by channel of choice, including archiving, physical and electronic channels. 

Readers surveyed were particularly impressed with the new features that make the solution even more user-friendly and powerful. Drag and drop, for instance, enables fast and easy setup of input processing jobs (by GUI), allowing even users without extensive programming knowledge to configure new processes. Add to that a modern Web interface that is even more closely aligned with a company’s output management workflows. It affords production managers a better overview of jobs, allowing them to react more quickly in the event of disruptions.
Fully scalable, this Compart product is used by major companies such as the Bertelsmann subsidiary Arvato, LVM insurance, and Swiss Post Solutions (SPS), a subsidiary of the Swiss Post Office.

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