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  • DocBridge Delta 2.6 makes docume …


DocBridge Delta 2.6 makes document checking more flexible

New software release supports comparison of files of different length and structure

DocBridge Delta 2.6

The new release of DocBridge Delta is now available. The most exciting innovation of Release 2.6 of the document comparison, analysis and quality control software is the ability to run 1:n (one-to-many) comparisons.

An output file of any length and varying page types can be compared page by page to a specified template. The benefit of the 1:n comparison: The template (reference) and check file (candidate) need not be identical either in scope or page type. So a 100-page candidate file can be checked against a template of just a few pages with absolute reliability and accuracy.

Until now, documents could be compared only if they had exactly the same number of pages. The 1:n comparison now opens up a much wider range of check scenarios, regardless of the type and size of the reference and candidate files.

DocBridge Delta is a platform-independent software program for automatic document comparison. The solution developed by Compart finds and analyzes differences between individual documents and pages electronically. Even coded objects in the files are examined down to the finest level of detail and differences displayed both visually and textually. DocBridge Delta generates a number of results files, including a PDF file that depicts the differences graphically and an HTML file that shows the text differences. In the PDF, each page of the reference, results, and candidate file is displayed side by side in a digital light table view. The comparison is pixel- and page-based, which supports analysis of the detailed structures of the page elements in the two files. 

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