Compart announces new software for universal document processing
A graphical user interface that makes configuration easier in output management

At yesterday's opening of Comparting, the international technology forum in Böblingen and one of the most important meeting places for users and specialists in the document and output management industry, Compart introduced its new DocBridge Mill Plus – a platform-independent and scalable software solution for the display and processing of data streams of every format.
It analyzes, modifies, separates, distributes, classifies and indexes the input data and converts it to the desired formats. The documents can be displayed, edited, and output in virtually all the standard physical and digital channels, including archiving.
The most notable feature in DocBridge Mill Plus is the graphical user interface (GUI). It allows even users without programming skills to define individual functions as well as complete workflows to meet their needs. They only need knowledge of the document formats and typical output management processes.
Programming know-how is not necessary
The individual processing steps can be joined into a workflow via drag & drop and effortlessly configured using the intuitive input screens. The defined workflows can be tested right in the user interface, increasing reliability in document processing and reducing misprints if modifications are incorrect. Thanks to the runtime components also included in DocBridge Mill Plus, the individual functions can also be used as services within service-oriented architectures (SOAs) and as cloud solutions.
Format-independent access to document content
The solution is built from individual modules, which can be combined in different ways. And the numerous modules of the graphical configuration interface make it easy to add functions to existing workflows, such as when new input and output formats are added. All modules are programmed in OS-independent code and function the same way in all the supported platforms.
All core functions are consolidated in a base module. The objects of the input documents and their properties are processed through format-specific input filters. All the desired process functions can be configured regardless of format and applied; the documents are converted into the required target formats using their specific output filters. So different formats are merged and modified in a single pass.