Compart - Document- and Output-Management

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New Milford, CT/Böblingen,

Compart announces new product line

DocBridge Impress revolutionizes document design for Web and print

© Compart, DocBridge Impress

Product premiere at Comparting: At this year’s international technology forum for document and output management on the 17th and 18th of November in Böblingen, Compart is introducing its new solution for page-independent document design: DocBridge Impress.

The main feature of the application, specifically designed for electronic (web) as well as physical (print) output, is that it intentionally combines all the current international standards for document generation and formatting within a single product.

The new solution supports HTML5, CSS, SVG, XML, CSV, XSL (XSLT and parts of XSL-FO), XPath, Unicode, XMP and Dublin Core. It is therefore non-proprietary and can be seamlessly integrated into any document and output management architecture. It is also designed for high performance and able to generate hundreds of pages per second.

Document design for web, print and mobile

DocBridge Impress represents a new level of product development at Compart. The company has many years of proven expertise in high-speed formatting in HTML5 as well as XSL-FO. The new application now brings all the current standards under one roof, ultimately bringing about a paradigm shift: Document generation is no longer page-based, but document-oriented. So all documents created with this application are multichannel-capable and barrier-free (PDF/UA).

And that’s not all. The new application supports not only batch but also individual transactional processing without requiring specialized knowledge on the part of the user. Documents are created using an editor via an intuitive user interface, and any needed layout, language, and region information can be added. No XML or HTML knowledge is required. It is also possible to define business logic rules and add barcodes.

Two worlds under one roof

With its new solution, Compart is responding to the burgeoning demand for a single source format to create both web-oriented and print documents. The reason is that modern business and customer communication increasingly relies on the electronic exchange of documents.

The problem is that digital documents continue to be generated based on the familiar page-oriented formats (A4). The disadvantage is that they can’t be satisfactorily displayed on all electronic channels. A PDF file, for example, does not display well on a smartphone or tablet. Furthermore, not all layouts are amenable to automatic conversion to a lucid HTML display.

© Compart, DocBridge Impress Logo

DocBridge Impress puts an end to the problem by combining the benefits that XSL-FO offers for layout formatting with the advantages of a universal format such as HTML5 for page- independent display of documents.

Cornelius Dufft, Head of Development at Compart: “The new solution combines two worlds and certainly ushers in a new era in document processing.”

DocBridge Impress can be experienced live at the Comparting Technology Forum November 17–18, 2016 in the Böblingen Kongresshalle.

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