Intelligent Routing – Dovetailing Print & Delivery to Optimize Postage
Torsten Steck, POSTCON
Rising postage costs, falling printing costs, and increasing investments require a holistic view of the value chain and total cost of ownership. Eliminate sunk costs simply by optimizing and dovetailing processes, from content creation and printing to electronic presorting and sequencing. The resulting cost advantages combined with reduced postage costs at qualitatively comparable delivery agents are meanwhile generating up to 30% better costs and prices on the market. This requires functioning IT interfaces, a competent partner, consistent quality management and nationwide delivery structures. In collaboration with print output companies, Postcon can achieve this goal through value-added partnerships.

Torsten Steck
Torsten Steck has been a marketing, sales, and management leader for 17 years. He has 12 years’ experience in logistics/postal organizations in Germany and Switzerland and 5 years’ experience as a strategy development consultant in the services, pharmaceutical, and industrial sectors. He is also founder and former CEO of an IT company in Switzerland. Mr. Steck is Director of Sales for business customers & partners at Postcon.