Wilhelm-Haspel-Str. 101
71065 Sindelfingen
Please book your room directly with the hotel, by phone or email, and mention "Comparting" as a reference. We recommend you choose "guaranteed reservation" (arrival before or after 6 p.m. local time), so that the room will be kept open for you for the entire night, no matter when you arrive.
Phone: +49 7031 615-0
Single room from 2019-11-6 until 2019-11-7 incl. breakfast:
152 EUR incl. VAT (per room and night)
Single room from 2019-11-7 until 2019-11-8 incl. breakfast:
123 EUR incl. VAT (per room and night)
13 EUR/day
A shuttle service will be offered between the hotel and the Stadthalle on both days.
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Str. 8
71063 Sindelfingen
Please book your room directly with the hotel, by phone or email, and mention "Comparting" as a reference. We recommend you choose "guaranteed reservation" (arrival before or after 6 p.m. local time), so that the room will be kept open for you for the entire night, no matter when you arrive.
Phone: +49 (0) 7031 935-0
Single room from 2019-11-6 until 2019-11-7 incl. breakfast:
104 EUR incl. VAT (per room and night)
Single room from 2019-11-7 until 2019-11-8 incl. breakfast:
104 EUR incl. VAT (per room and night)
13 EUR (per car and day)
A shuttle service will be offered between the hotel and the Stadthalle on both days.