Compart@arvato: Embedding in a Service-Oriented Architecturer
Marco Kornrumpf, arvato services
While catchphrases like SOA and ESB are no longer considered to be current in the trade press, although their implementation has so far not been a success, arvato services shows a solid approach to translate the paradigms in a heterogeneous landscape, from data input through to multi-channel output. Within the scope of the presentation the added-value of a complete SOA approach as well as the implementation problems involving a complex value chain will be presented and discussed.
Marco Kornrumpf
Marco Kornrumpf stidied business informatics at the University of Paderborn and following this worked as a consultant at syskoplan AG. Following the move to arvato services Mr. Kornrumpf was responsible as project leader for the implementation of international BPO business and is now responsible for the Document Management Solutions business at arvato services.