Symbole Unicode «» (U+431B)

Nom (anglais):CJK Unified Ideograph-431B[1]
Version Unicode:3.0 (septembre 1999)[2]
Bloc:Supplément A aux idéogrammes unifiés CJC, U+3400 - U+4DBF[3]
Plan:Plan multilingue de base, U+0000 - U+FFFF[3]
Écriture:idéogrammes han (sinogrammes) (Hani) [4]
Catégorie:Lettre, autre (Lo) [1]
Classe bidirectionelle:Gauche-à-droite (L) [1]
Classe de liaison:Non réordonné (0) [1]
Caractère miroir:Non [1]
Entité HTML:
  • 䌛
  • 䌛
Encodage UTF-8:0xE4 0x8C 0x9B
Encodage UTF-16:0x431B
Encodage UTF-32:0x0000431B

Unihan Dictionary Indices


Unihan Readings

kCantonesezaau4 ziu4
kDefinition(same as 繇 徭 陶 謠 由 猶 悠 籀) entourage; aides; attendants, compulsory labor service, to make pottery or earthenware, happy, ballad; folk song, rumor, through; via; by way of, like; similar to, still; yet, far, sad, soft; slow, to deduce (interchangeable 搖 遙 傜)
